Television is a more effective medium for transmitting information to children‖. According to Pazdek and Lehver-TV led to better comprehension and memory. Children tend to learn more of what they see on TV more thoroughly than what they read or hear. TV influences life styles, attitudes, manners of children. This is possible by children's wide exposure to contents of media.

It is observed that the mental level and psyche of contemporary children are far superior to that of their superiors. Many past studies indicate that TV does influence children's view of social reality. Learning to decode the symbols of film or TV is something like loving to read‖.

Hurlock (1980), and adds that-Understanding of film or TV depends upon their knowing those media's symbolic codes. It has an enormous credit of presenting facts, shaping opinions and providing people with pictures of all corners of the world, otherwise people would not see.-The effects of the media are pervasive and important, not only in direct, immediate and observable terms but also all along the history‖ says Elizebeth B. Especially, TV is part and parcel of socio-political, economic and cultural aspects of human life. Mass media are the powerful institutions of public instruction. Media play a pivotal role in the life of any person.

Children and Media Just like others, children are also addressed by the media content for commercial purposes. Because of its entertainment value, Television is called-Home Cinema‖.

The presence of rich devices of theatre in TV makes the communication process more effective and helps the viewers in the perception of information.-It is a collective art combining the significant elements of newspapers, radio, cinema and also theatre. It is a powerful medium that has dominated the life of the people. These days watching TV has become an important activity in day-today life. It has, as Marshall McLuhan says, transformed the world into a global village. Television has brought dramatic changes in society.