Online converter java to javascript
Online converter java to javascript

Features Java 1.8 syntax, Java 1.6 subset of the java.lang, and java.util packages. Java code is converted into readable Javascript code using StrataCode, an open source build tool with easy-to-code and customize code processing.

online converter java to javascript

Other cloud services: Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Mega, pCloud, Tresorit, Box, Knowhow, Mediafire, Apple iCloud, Mozy, Amazon Cloud Drive 1dex. Welcome to the free online Java to JS converter. Each image or video must respect the intellectual property. Pedophile, xenophobic, racist images that incite hatred or violence are strictly prohibited.If you are not registered, your files may be deleted without notice Reusing Java codes and tools into JavaScript.If you do not have an account, your files can be deleted at any time by the administrator This is a work in progress Not all Java features are supported, and some are too difficult to translate to JS, so make sure to doublecheck the resulting code (.The resulting Java code from the conversion will be displayed in the output box.

online converter java to javascript

To use this converter, take the following steps - Type or paste your JavaScript code in the input box.

  • Accepted formats: images (JPG, GIF and PNG) PDF, ZIP, RAR, Audio, Videos. This free online converter lets you convert code from JavaScript to Java in a click of a button.
  • online converter java to javascript

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    Online converter java to javascript